Not Found in the Book

Published on 6 April 2024 at 18:12

Ezra 2:62 (ESV): 62 These sought their registration among those enrolled in the genealogies, but they were not found there, and so they were excluded from the priesthood as unclean.

The decree given by Cyprus was for all the Jews to return to their homeland (prophesied by the Old Testament prophets) to rebuild the temple of God to worship. With great excitement, many headed back to their homeland in excitement. However, there remained many who also sought to register, and their names were not found in the book of genealogies. No name found in the book meant no place in temple worship.

            For whatever reason, there remained individuals whose names were not found. Somehow, someway, their names got lost, and as a result, exclusion was given to them. This seems harsh, yet a similar picture will one day take place. When the day of the LORD appears, Jesus comes like a thief in the night. He will one day summon all people, and many will, with great joy, appear smiling and cheerful before the LORD of glory. Yet, on that day, Jesus said he would state, “Depart from me, for I never knew you.” Works were done in the name. People professed the name. Maybe even cast out demons in the name and have fruit (converts) because of the name. Yet, their name will not be found in the Book of Genealogies.

            The book will be searched to see whose name has been adopted into the priesthood to worship Jesus eternally. Instead, it is on that day many will find though the decree is given to stand before the Judge of all the earth. The okay is not given to eternity in his presence because their name was not found in the book of genealogies; therefore, it is on that day many will be surprised to hear, “Depart from me for I never knew you.” And they will be excluded from the priesthood as unclean.

Have you believed in Jesus Christ as your Savior? Have you rested in Christ today, or have you rested in what you consider the knowledge of Christ?

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